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dc.contributor.advisorYARAD JEADA, PAMELA VALERIA-
dc.contributor.authorBuitron Morales, Edgar Fabian-
dc.identifier.citationBuitrón Morales, Edgar Fabián (2019) Diseño de una fuente tipográfica basada en la morfología arquitectónica del Museo Interactivo de Ciencia. Quito UISRAEL, Diseño Gráfico Quito: Universidad Israel 2019, 76p. PhD. Yarad Jeada Valeria Pamela Mg. María Gabriela Chávez Mosquera UISRAEL-EC-DIS-378.242-2019-007es_ES
dc.descriptionThe design of typographic features based on the architectural morphology of the cultural spaces of Ecuadorian history, seek to foster a sense of belonging and identity in society. "INTECI" is considered a communication tool based on morphological features of the place, the main purpose of the source seeks to convey messages in graphic form, through the use of letters, this concept is crucial for the factors of communication theory, in which the sender, receiver and message, the messages to be disseminated seek in an indirect way to persuade the public that visit the Interactive Museum of Science "MIC", strengthening the institutionality of the site through the use of written communication based on the structure of the Museum. The building houses among its thematic rooms several design styles that have been adapted to the trends of each era, over the years typographies have been used that belong to other cultures, created under unknown parameters and with a different foundation from the MIC is applying, for this reason, the process of creation of typographical sources based on the architectural morphology that highlights the historical cultural features that is in process of deterioration. The wooden pilasters of the MIC will stop being functional and will have to be replaced by contemporary structures and after the change the evidence of the architectural richness of the Ecuadorian culture will be forgotten. Keywords Typographic, Typographic family, Character, Font, Letters, Type.es_ES
dc.description.abstractEl diseño de rasgos tipográficos basados en la morfología arquitectónica de los espacios culturales de la historia ecuatoriana, buscan fomentan en la sociedad un sentido de pertenencia e identidad. La fuente tipográfica “INTECI” es considerada una herramienta de la comunicación basada en rasgos morfológicos propios del lugar, el objetivo principal de la fuente busca transmitir mensajes de forma gráfica, a través del uso de las letras, este concepto es determinante para los factores teóricos de la comunicación, en el cual interviene el emisor, receptor y mensaje, los mensajes a difundir buscan de forma indirecta persuadir al público que visita el Museo Interactivo de Ciencia “MIC”, fortaleciendo la institucionalidad del sitio a través del uso de la comunicación escrita basada en la estructura del Museo. La edificación alberga entre sus salas temáticas, varios estilos de diseño, mismos que han sido adaptados a las tendencias de cada época, con el pasar de los años se ha utilizado tipografías que pertenecen a otras culturas, creadas bajo parámetros desconocidos y con fundamentación distinta a la que se están aplicando en el MIC, por tal motivo, se fortalece el proceso de creación de fuentes tipográficas basadas en la morfología arquitectónica que resaltan los rasgos históricos culturales que se encuentra en proceso de deterioro. Las pilastras de madera del MIC en algún momento dejarán de ser funcionales y tendrán que ser remplazadas por estructuras contemporáneas y, tras el cambio, quedará en el olvido las evidencias de la riqueza arquitectónica de la cultura ecuatoriana. Palabras clave Tipografía, Familia Tipográfica, Carácter, Fuente, Letras, Tipo.es_ES
dc.description.sponsorshipThe design of typographic features based on the architectural morphology of the cultural spaces of Ecuadorian history, seek to foster a sense of belonging and identity in society. "INTECI" is considered a communication tool based on morphological features of the place, the main purpose of the source seeks to convey messages in graphic form, through the use of letters, this concept is crucial for the factors of communication theory, in which the sender, receiver and message, the messages to be disseminated seek in an indirect way to persuade the public that visit the Interactive Museum of Science "MIC", strengthening the institutionality of the site through the use of written communication based on the structure of the Museum. The building houses among its thematic rooms several design styles that have been adapted to the trends of each era, over the years typographies have been used that belong to other cultures, created under unknown parameters and with a different foundation from the MIC is applying, for this reason, the process of creation of typographical sources based on the architectural morphology that highlights the historical cultural features that is in process of deterioration. The wooden pilasters of the MIC will stop being functional and will have to be replaced by contemporary structures and after the change the evidence of the architectural richness of the Ecuadorian culture will be forgotten. Keywords Typographic, Typographic family, Character, Font, Letters, Type.es_ES
dc.subjectFamilia Tipográfica,es_ES
dc.subjectFuente, Letras, Tipo.es_ES
dc.titleDiseño de una fuente tipográfica basada en la morfología arquitectónica del Museo Interactivo de Ciencia.es_ES
Aparece en las colecciones: Tesis Carrera Diseño Gráfico 2023

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